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I’m Logan and these are my stories, observations, pictures and reviews direct from Upper Left USA.

I am older than dirt and at times my opinions may be tainted by snark, sarcasm and/or cursing.

The Pacific Northwest’s amazing vistas of volcanoes, rain forests, glaciers, islands, endless beaches, mountain ranges, orchards, wheatfields, shrub steppe, lakes and rivers are my inspiration.

I write about people and places with a focus on nature, wildlife, geography, geology and local history.

If you are a PNW writer, photographer, artist or historian please let me know; I would love to see your work.

I have horses in my life, so I write about them too sometimes.

I’m good with horses - see my Facebook page: The Mindful Horsewoman

A couple of years ago, to satisfy my love of sagebrush (artemesia tridentata), I bought 20 acres of shrub steppe overlooking the Kittitas Valley in Washington and built my dream vacation house. It’s a perfect writer’s retreat.

My house has a front row seat if The Mountain ever blows.

Fellow Pacific Northwesterners* subscribe to stay up-to-date.

*If you don’t live here of course you are welcome, but don’t expect the usual touristy lists of places to visit.

Expect a new post every couple of weeks or so. Or follow me for my Notes, which will generate willy-nilly with whatever nonsense pops into mind.

If you have a particular place, activity or business you think deserves a write-up, email me at

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"There are more things in Washington State, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." ~ Pioneer Bill Shakespeare in 1858, after slogging his way over Snoqualmie Pass.


daughter, wife, mom, grandma, sister, auntie, neighbor, gardener, photographer, horsewoman, writer, friend